Sunday, November 16, 2008

Article Analysis: Showdown Begins After Lifeline to Automakers

The article begins with a hard news lede, telling the reader who: The Bush Administration, what: rejecting a proposal by congressional Democrats to "immediately advance $25 billion in government loans to ailing Detroit automakers," and when: yesterday.

The next three paragraphs provide back-up to the lede, informing readers why the proposal is being opposed and the idea of a large spending package to help fix the nation's economy as a whole.

While those paragraphs give the reader more background on the issue, I think that the nut graf appears in the fourth paragraph, showing readers how crucial it is that the auto industry be helped, as well as the economy as a whole to put a halt to "what economists say could be the worst recession since World War II."

The article moves along in ABAB format, first providing quotes from supporters of the plan, such as the chief lobbyist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The article shifts to the perspective of The White House, who disagree with Democrats on what the overall spending package will entail, as well as the plan to aid auto industries, and provides a quote from a White House spokesman. It then gives further insight to what the Democrats wants vs. what Republicans want in order to save auto industries. However, the article seems to be a bit off with naming sources and kissing them off; I was unclear at some parts of who was being quoted or attributed.

The article ends with a quote from the House Financial Services Committee, closing with an opinion from the Democratic side.

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