Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Crime Story Analysis: 17-year-old Slain the Night Before Homecoming,CST-NWS-shot05.article

The title of the article itself grabbed my attention immediately, drawing me in to find out how and why this young man was killed. The article is a hard-news story, like most first-day stories about death. It begins with a succinct summary lede, giving me the who, what, when, and where, and attribution from authorities and family.

The author uses active voice throughout the article and descriptive sentences that allowed me to somewhat visualize the story taking place, such as: "There was an argument inside the party, which sent everyone running outside." However, the author provides the reader with almost no information about the weapon found near 17-year-old Shaun Brown's body, only telling the reader that Brown was shot after police were informed about shots being heard.

 The use of quotes from eyewitnesses, such as Brown's brother, made the story more interesting and credible. Providing quotes from Brown's mother allowed the reader to question whether or not Brown had been directly involved in the shooting that lead to his death, setting him up as an innocent victim who was a good kid.

The article closes with more information from family members about Brown's plans for school and the future, shedding an innocent light on him once again.

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